20 Things I learned

1.Aperture controls the area over which light can enter the camera. 2. Shutter speed controls the duration of the exposure. 3. ISO speed controls the sensitivity of the camera’s sensor to a given amount of light. 4. Aperture affects depth of field. 5. Shutter speed affects motion blur. 6. ISO speed affects image noise. 7. Faster shutter speed means shorter exposure time. 8. When the exposure time doubles the amount of light doubles. 9. Shutter speed is a powerful tool for exaggerating the appearance of motion. 10. A camera’s shutter determines when the camera sensor will be open or closed to incoming light from the camera lens. 11. Camera’s aperture setting controls how much light can pass through your camera lens. 12. In photographer slang “Stopping down” or “Opening up” your lens, refers too increasing and/or decreasing the f-stop value. 13. Every time the f-stop value halves, the light-collecting area quadruples. 14. Aperture and shutter speed combinations all result in the same exposure. 15. a greater aperture range provides more creativity and flexibility. 16. Lower f-stop values correlate with a shallower depth of field. 17. Depth of field means, the range of distance over which objects appear in sharp focus. 18. Higher ISO speeds dramatically increase image noise. 19. ISO speed is usually only increased from its minimum value if the desired aperture and shutter speed aren’t otherwise obtainable. 20. A range of 50-800 (or higher) is often acceptable.


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